Being a tutor I do my best to develop in my students a deep understanding and self-confidence at exams and being capable to deal with unfamiliar situations. My philosophy is actually based on the idea that learning occurs in an atmosphere of mutual appreciation where the person is encouraged to think and establish links on their own. My practice has been that one-to-one individual training has a distinct value to students through the option to resolve the children' particular difficulties to learning in a way that sets the foundations for a deep and long-term perception of the material.
Student’s needs and learning style matter
My approach differs depending on the student's needs and learning style. My teaching theory is built upon motivating children to think for themselves, using real-world models whenever they can. |I consider that it is crucial to provide scholars with a working skills and to give them analytical skills for building upon this knowledge. Teaching a person to think critically is at the fundamental of what a child have to intercept off any subject program.
We learn through examples
Mentoring scholars belongs to the most enduring increases a coach can bring in, and it is a procedure, that I consider to be enjoyable and beneficial. From my practice, I discovered the importance of involving learners through examples and of pitching information at a degree which implies mentality though not specifically knowledge, mixing the known with the unknown as a solution which delivers the learner the feeling of probability instead of that one of impossibility that impressive and authoritative methods can enforce.
Using a lot of practising
I start from questions the students are familiar with and step eventually towards more complicated areas as long as their confidence is being built. I work with questions and examples to test comprehending continually. I really don't lecture to scholars or request them to remember things. Nor do I accomplish the students' homework for them!
I constantly involve test-style as well as former paper questions in order to check, practice and improve the student's comprehension and performance. I will also give a lot of attention to many of the not so vital but obvious skills as essay structure and technique, logical thought, and the helpful use of graphs and numbers.